Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Renaissance Men/Women and Entrepreneurs, I need advice/suggestions...?

I've been trying to get a foot hold in my area but keep coming short on my entrepreneurial endeavors. Any suggestions on low start up business ideas? Or how did you get started? (It may spark my own imagination.)Renaissance Men/Women and Entrepreneurs, I need advice/suggestions...?
I'm skeptical of anyone who wants to be an entrepreneur/own their own business only because they think this is an easy way to make money. It is not. Owning your own business is a lot of hard work and not always rewarding.

I know that you did not specifically say this, but I am reading between the lines. What are you good at? What are your skills? Education? Experience? Is there a need for a specific product in your area that is not being met? Answering these questions would give you a better idea of where to begin then knowing what is easy, cheap, or worked for someone else.Renaissance Men/Women and Entrepreneurs, I need advice/suggestions...?
My hubby and I got started in business at 21. With a loan of $300 and a piece of equipment given to us. I worked a ';real job'; for insurance and a paycheck and he knocked on doors and got clients. I left my job several years later and we both worked long hours in the field.

Ten years later, and a whole lot of real world experience, we have 4 wonderful field guys working for us and 2 office personnel. In 5 years we'll be able to sell the business and make a handsome sum, or we'll be able to ';soft'; retire in another 10 if we keep it.


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