Friday, January 8, 2010

Why am I so attracted to marrried men... advice please!?

Ok I am a 21 year old female and I am mainly attracted to married men. I have had an affair with one before and I realize that was a bad thing to do. I am attracted to men in their older 20's to mid 30's and I feel like if a guy is single, there must be a reason why he is single... maybe because no girl wants him? I dont know.. its kinda weird but I dont want to think like this anymore and I need some advice. I feel like older men are better in all departments and can do better than a guy my age would. I just find married men so sexy. Any advice?Why am I so attracted to marrried men... advice please!?
Is that all you think of yourself? That's sad. Married men are no better or worse than single men and any married man that lays down with you can't be ';better in all departments';...Why am I so attracted to marrried men... advice please!?
You like married men b/c you like the idea of a responsible committed man...the problem is if these guys are willing to screw around with you behind their wives back they are not responsible OR committed. There are plenty of awesome men that are single and just made sure they had their career set before seeking a family life to settle into. You need to look elsewhere b/c you will never be happy having to ';share'; your man, not to mention if you were even playing that game with my husband you would be looking for a beat down...Not cool to your sisters!!! Go grab you some morals and snag you a good man of your very own.
Married are attractive to you because they are ';safe'; in that they are not free to make any demands on you.

Also, there is the thrill of competition to see if you can take the man away from his wife (even though you really don't want him permanently).

Some counseling may help you to get over this.

Good luck.
I wasn't going to answer this one but it just irritates me to see how an inexperience little girl like you think. Its really sad that you think like that, may god have mercy on you. If you don't change your ways you're going to end up alone. Married man are well trained by their wives and they are who they are, because of our hard work. They didn't become who they became just by nothing, it took alot of putting up and sacrifice from their wives. Think of the damage you'll cause this poor women, stop it.
I think what really attracts you is not that the married men are sexier than the single men ... it麓s that you cannot be attached sentimentally to them because they are not available....

but you have to seek 4 help because you are being just the dessert! and you have to care more about yourself! what麓s going on? you have to try to be always the first plate to your partner! YOU DESERVE MUCH IN LIFE!!
Well, if that is true about single women, the same must hold true for single women... and since you are single...

You need to go to counseling and you need to grow up. You're ridiculous and I hope once you get married your man goes and cheats on you. What goes around comes around lady.
u have a jealousy issue and are also a sinner. Coveting thy neighbors wife/husband. HOMEWRECKER!!!

seriously though, find a good, SINGLE, guy cuz there are plenty still out there and make him your hott would that be?
Who said your attracted to men? Maybe they just look at you. wow.

And just cause you had an affair with another guy doesnt mean that everysingle married guy likes you.

Women like you make me sick! If you ever tried it on with my husband you'd never have another man put it that way!

Get your own man and stop trying to destroy other peoples lives!
I dont feel like that (no matter what you say), it matters if someone has a potential to love you or not.....
Because you find it a challenge to take something that doesn't belong to you.
because ur a skank
lol woman ur not the only one ! what a ledgent ! consider urself privaleged xx
well you know a affair is bad but you gotta do what u gotta do!
you are looking for maturity and security in the least likely places. just remember, if a guy is willing to cheat on his wife, he isn't a good guy and he isn't better at anything. you also may have a fear of getting married yourself for fear you will be cheated on as you have seen so many times before. my advise is to stop looking to others for what you need and take care of yourself. be confident and happy with who you are without anyone, single or otherwise, and Mr right will come along when you are ready. at this stage in your life, given what you have said of yourself, you probably aren't mature enough to be in a real relationship. take some time to grow up, live your life, and have fun.
if these men are better than younger men, then why would they cheat on their wives with you? they play the same games, hun. just older.

there is a void you need to fill. but married men is not the way. when mr right comes, how you going to explain to them you got with married men? what if the wife approaches you? what if the word gets out?

you are attracted to them because you feel insecure. you see them married and you think since they are married, they must be good men. marriage is hard work and many times men are bastards to their family. everything that glitter is not gold, sweetheart. if a man is willing to cheat on his wife, what makes you think he wont do it to you? men think of their mistresses as whores. they tell them all the right things to keep them around for the sex. they know these females are insecure, so they tell the chicks what they want to hear to get what they want out of them. in the end, the mistress always loose. you may hear a few cases where the man leaves his wife for his mistress, but its few. you hear about it alot in tv shows and movies and gossip. but if you compare the numbers of men leaving their wives and the numbers of men who cheat but stay with their wives, the numbers dont compare.

married men will never be able to respect you if you date them or seek them. a real good man will tell you to stay away from them cause they have a wife.

i believe you need to seek therapy to work on yourself so you can stop planting these seeds. you reap what you sow. you will be married one day. you need to think about that

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